Archives June 2022

Dårlig hund: Da husholdningskæledyrsbiderne

ess gjorde noget dårligt i går aftes. Han bid min kæreste i ansigtet.

Dette fik mig til at genkende, at jeg ikke kan tolerere nogen form for aggressive vaner fra min hund.

Bittet var et lille punkteringssår på siden af ​​Joshs næse, en tomme eller deromkring under hans øje. Et lille punkteringssår, ja, men nippen var ikke fra livlig mund eller en utilsigtet tandhit. I et halvt sekund tog Ace beslutningen om at bide.

Bittet forekom på denne måde: Josh så godt som jeg legede med Ace i rummet, noget vi gør i det mindste når en uge. Vi lader altid ess hoppe op på sengen for at “give kys” i vores ansigter. Det var det, der skete denne gang, kun Aces glæde eskalerede, hvilket resulterede i nip. Vi bad helt klart om problemer. Havde nogen andre fortalt mig denne historie, ville jeg have tænkt, ja, du er en dum røv.

Når jeg ser tilbage, anerkender jeg, at jeg har tolereret, endda motiveret nogle vaner i ACE, der var forkert. Ud over Josh er lige så skyldig, og ønsker altid, at vores hunde skal beskytte os såvel som en vanskelig fyr. Ace er faktisk en af ​​de mest underdanige, blide hunde, jeg kender, og derfor troede vi aldrig to gange om legende groft boliger med ham.

I det sidste år har vi lært Ace at jage kattene, når de gør noget fattigt som at ridse sofaen, lærte ham at “give kys” i vores ansigter, kæmpet med ham til det punkt, hvor han knurrer såvel som mouthing, spillede træk -A-krig, selv når han knurrer såvel som bifalder ham, da han knækkede på vores kattebjælker, da han forsøgte at tage Aces mad (Beamer har et problem med at stjæle alles mad). Nå, alle disse spil er forbi i går aftes.

Bittet forekom så hurtigt, hverken Josh eller I disciplinerede ess indtil sekunder senere. På det tidspunkt var Ace allerede gået videre såvel som glemt alt om hændelsen. Det var lige så sent at passende ham. Han tjente alligevel i lang tid i sin kennel, men jeg kan forsikring, at Ace ikke havde noget antydning af, hvorfor han tilbragte resten af ​​natten i sin kennel.

Jeg forstår, at mange af os leger også med vores hunde groft. Vi kæmper såvel som at spille jagtende spil. Vi mener endda, at det er sød, når hunde “leger” knurrer eller “leg” bid. Dog bliver hunde forvirrede såvel som ophidset. såvel som når hunde bliver så begejstrede, går de ind i et andet specificering af sindet. Hunde er hunde. Som deres ejere er det vores forpligtelse til ikke at huske, hvad dyr er i stand til.

Jeg forstår ikke, hvad jeg ville gøre, hvis ACE udløste nogen til kravsting. Jeg forstår ikke, hvad jeg ville gøre, hvis han bidte et barn. Husk, at 70 procent af alle dødsulykker i hundebid er børn.

Når jeg komponerer dette, tror jeg på specifikke for mine gode venner med enorme racer (du forstår, hvem du er). I can’t assist however believe of exactly how one lively nip might turn into a extremely poor accident. I likewise believe of the owners of little dogs who believe their bit pooches might cause no harm. Well, all it takes is the best nip.

This is a pointer for me not to be careless with my dog. I work difficult to train Ace, to provide him what he needs as well as to keep him as well as others safe. however I have made mistakes. keep in mind to be conscious of the bit things now in purchase to avoid mishaps down the road.

By the way, last night when Ace slept in his kennel, my feline Scout was in my bed purring up a storm. I imply snuggling as well as drooling like he hasn’t performed in months. A coincidence?

How to show your pet dog to get his leash

This is a very easy trick to show if you have a pet dog who willingly picks things up and carries them. If you have a pet dog who’s not a big fan of holding items in his mouth, don’t worry. I’ll give you some tips.

The following post includes the steps I used to show my own pet dog to get his leash, but they must only be used as a guide. You know your pet dog best, so feel complimentary to tailor this anyway you’d like.

First, show the pet dog to “take” items in his mouth.

You can use the command “take” or “take it” to tell your pet dog to take the item in his mouth. To do this, start out by using objects that are attractive to your pet dog such as a favorite rope toy, or a squeaky toy. Shake the item around a bit to tease your pet dog if he’s uninterested. once the pet dog “takes” the item in his mouth, praise him and give him a highly valued treat. Repeat this about five times and quit.

Practice in short sessions a few times per day, eventually using a lot more challenging items. depending on how eager your pet dog is to “take” the items, you may not need to use treats every time.

Add the “hold” command

To get your pet dog to remain holding an object, you have a few options. Some dogs may voluntarily hold an item because it makes them feel proud! If that’s the case, encourage your pet dog by telling him what a good kid he is. You may or may not need to add an extra command such as “hold.”

If your pet dog needs a little a lot more encouragement to keep holding the item, you can gently put your hands on his mouth and say calmly and slowly, “Hooolllllld. Gooood booooy.” then give the drop command followed by a treat and lots of praise. At first, you must only expect your pet dog to hold the item for two or three seconds, but you can gradually increase the time to five seconds, 10 seconds and so on. The main thing is not to train the pet dog too quickly.

My pet dog had an much easier time holding an item if he carried it while walking. I just handed him his leash and started walking in the living room. He happily carried it and followed me.

How to show your pet dog to get his leash

Once your pet dog is comfortable holding items in his mouth, you can begin teaching the command, “Get your leash.” The crucial is to break it into very basic steps so your pet dog is successful.

Step 1: Fold the leash up into a small bundle.

Hold it ideal up to your dog’s mouth and say “Get your leash.” If he needs some encouragement, shake the leash a bit to tease him. If you need to, you can try to gently open your dog’s mouth to encourage him to take the leash. Some dogs may like to get hold of the leash when it’s not folded up, and that’s fine too.

If he takes the leash in his mouth for even one second, give him a treat and lots of praise. “What a good boy! Yay!” Repeat this about five to 10 times and quit.

Step 2: Place the leash on the floor directly in front of him and say “Get your leash.”

It helps to point directly at the leash. Some dogs will catch on ideal away and pick it up. If so, treat and praise.

If your pet dog is confused or unwilling to pick it up, don’t repeat the command. just wait a few seconds and see what he does. If you stand there silently for a few seconds, some dogs will try to figure out what to do and they might try to pick up the leash.

If he continues to sit there staring at you, it’s ok to pick the leash up and hand it to him. then give him lots of praise like he just won the lottery. Repeat that a few times and he’ll soon catch on – “Oh! You want me to pick it up off the floor? Jeg ser!”

Step 3: slowly increase the distance between your pet dog and the leash.

Start out by setting the leash about three feet away. then four or five feet, then six feet and so on. At this point your pet dog may not be bringing the leash all the way to you. but if he’s at least walking over to it and picking it up, that’s great! keep boosting the distance but do so very slowly so your pet dog is successful and not confused. keep using treats to reward.

Step 4: encourage your pet dog to bring you the leash.

At this point, your pet dog is ready to walk halfway across the room to pick up his leash. When he picks it up, encourage him to come to you with the leash in his mouth. then give him lots of praise! If your pet dog knows the command “hold,” this is where it becomes very useful.

If your pet dog drops the leash before bringing it to you, then decrease the distance between you and your dog. You can help your pet dog out by putting the leash back in his mouth and swiftly backing away a foot so he naturally follows you. then give him lots of praise if he brings you the leash.

As your pet dog is successful, slowly increase the distance bmellem dig og din hund. Dette var det sværeste skridt for min hund, så vær bare individuel og forvent ikke for meget i starten. Vær positiv og opmuntrende, så din kæledyrshund har det sjovt.

Trin 5: Opmuntr din kæledyrshund til at få sin snor fra meget mere hårde pletter.

Når din kæledyrshund ser ud til at have en god styring på konceptet “Få din snor”, kan du begynde at gøre det meget mere hårdt for din hund. For eksempel kan du sidde på sofaen, og når du siger “få din snor”, kunne han gå og få fat i det fra det andet rum eller fra hans kurv med forsyninger eller fra frakkeholderen.

Bare vær individuel og opmuntrende og hold dig til at tilfredsstille din kæledyrshund for at prøve nye udfordringer.

Ekstra tip:

Da hunde elsker vandreture, kan du altid bede din kæledyrshund om at “få din snor” ideel inden en tur. Du kan gøre dette, uanset hvilket trin i den træning, du er i. For eksempel, hvis du er på trin en, vil du sige “Få din snor” og hold snor direkte foran din hunds mund. Når han tager det, skal du give ham masser af ros og derefter gå ud på en tur.

Der er flere måder at vise en kæledyrshund til enhver kommando, så føl dig ikke som om du skal følge min plan nøjagtigt. Din kæledyrshund er et specielt individ, så føl dig gratis til at justere disse ideer på nogen måde for din egen hund. Fortæl mig så, hvad du gjorde i kommentarerne.

Hvordan viste du din kæledyrshund for at få hans snor?

My pet dog will only Pee or Poop if I Take Him For A walk

Yes, you read that right!

This is actually a common problem that comes up every now and then in the emails I get.

For whatever reason, the pet dog “holds it” and won’t poop or pee in the yard until the owner takes him for a walk. He refuses to go to the shower room in the yard. He will only pee or poop on walks.

You might be thinking, smart dog!

Yes, it’s very possible the pet dog figured out if he pees ideal away he gets taken ideal back inside. However, if he holds it longer he gets to be outside longer.

Of course, the real problem would be if he starts going to the shower room in the house because he doesn’t want to go in the yard.

Hopefully you’re not having that problem. If so, then it’s time to go back to the basics and treat him like he’s not potty trained.

Also see my post: how long does it take to potty train a puppy?

Jump ahead to:

Dog won’t pee or poop in the yard

Possible reasons your pet dog won’t go potty or poop in the yard

My pet dog won’t go potty while on a leash

What to do if your pet dog won’t go potty or poop in the yard

1. use the walk as a reward!

2. give him 10 minutes to poop in the yard and then head back inside

3. use highly valued treats

4. stay with your pet dog in the yard

5. invite other dogs to come pee in your yard!

6. try not to get frustrated if your pet dog won’t poop in the yard

7. Does he need to step around?

How to show your pet dog to pee or poop on command

How to show a pet dog NOT to poop in the yard

My favorite pet dog products to help

Dog won’t pee or poop in the yard

Possible reasons your pet dog won’t go potty or poop in the yard

He’s distracted in the yard. (Neighbor dogs, smells, noises, trying to find other family members)
He doesn’t like the surface in the yard, whether it’s woodchips, wet grass, dirty snow, etc.
She doesn’t like the smells from so lots of other dogs (common if you’re in an apartment)
She doesn’t like the smell of her own pee (if you have a small yard)
He doesn’t want to step in the pee from other dogs or from himself
Your pet dog prefers to pee on bushes & there aren’t any bushes in the yard
He feels like your small yard is an extension of the house & doesn’t want to soil the area
He’s never had a yard before so this is new to him – maybe he peed only on concrete at a shelter or only on walks in a past apartment or condo home.
The pet dog might be used to peeing while on a leash – try leashing him in the yard
Some dogs need to run around a bit before they have to poop!

*Enjoying this article? get sensible pet dog training ideas emailed once a week. Klik her

My pet dog won’t go potty while on a leash

One related issue for some dogs is the leash. For others, it’s not being on a leash!

So, you might try the opposite of what you’re currently doing. If that’s possible.

For example, if you recently adopted a dog, he might’ve lived in an apartment or condo before and all of his shower room breaks were on a leash. So now he associates potty breaks with being on a leash. So try using a leash in the yard.

Or the opposite could be true. maybe your pet dog is used to going potty off leash in a fenced area and now that you’ve moved to a house with no fenced yard, she is not used to going potty in that environment.

You could try using a longer, 30 foot leash or a retractable leash to give her a lot more space.

See this article: My pet dog won’t pee while on a leash!

What to do if your dog won’t go potty or poop in the yard

If the leash doesn’t seem to be the issue, the first step is to try to figure out why your pet dog is “holding it.” hopefully some of the above bullet points I pointed out can help you brainstorm.

If it’s a new environment for the dog, just try to be individual and remember to reward him for going potty in the ideal place. often dogs just need a few days or weeks to adjust to a new routine.

Here are some additional ideas for getting your pet dog to poop in the yard:

1. use the walk as a reward!

Stand with him for 5 or 10 minutes in the yard until he goes. then take him for a walk as a reward! even if it’s just a 5-minute walk. If he doesn’t poop or pee, then head back inside. No walk.

Also, don’t end his walks or head for home as soon as he pees. keep walking for a bit. The fun shouldn’t end because he peed or pooped.

2. give him 10 minutes to poop in the yard and then head back inside

If he doesn’t go poop in the yard, then take him back inside. put him in a kennel/crate if you’re anxious he’ll have an accident. then take him outside again in a half-hour. Repeat as needed.

I realize you only haveso much time in a day, especially if you’re trying to get ready for work, but that’s what I’d recommend if in any way possible.

Most dogs will go if they have to. If you have to get to work then you may need to include an actual walk as part of the morning routine so your pet dog will actually go. Then, keep your evening “walks” to the yard.

When he finally does pee or poop in the yard, give a treat right away and head out for a walk as a reward!

3. use highly valued treats

Go back to some basics and reward your pet dog with highly valued food for peeing/pooping in the yard. use jerky treats, real chicken, string cheese, hot dogs, whatever he loves! and try to walk him as a reward when you can.

4. stay with your pet dog in the yard

If you’re not currently standing in the yard with your dog, then try that. Some dogs are just nervous about being left outside or they are too anxious about what you’re doing.

This is especially true with newly adopted dogs or puppies or if you’ve moved to a new home with your dog.

5. invite other dogs to come pee in your yard!

Yes, this sounds a bit silly. However, a lot of dogs like to sniff on walks where other dogs have peed and then they “mark” the area.

Males and females do this. So, one idea to try is to actually ask the neighbor dogs or friends’ dogs to come pee in your yard!

*Enjoying this article? get sensible pet dog training ideas emailed once a week. Klik her

6. try not to get frustrated if your pet dog won’t poop in the yard

I used to get mad at my pet dog Ace when he wouldn’t poop in the yard. I’d be like, “Hurry up!” in a indicate voice.

My evident disappointment caused him to feel tense and stressed and maybe even terrified of me and then he wouldn’t go to the shower room for sure!

I learned to be individual and positive with him. He’s sensitive. ?

7. Does he need to step around?

Some dogs really need to jog around a bit in buy to, shall we say, get things moving in buy to poop! This is bothersome because nearly every pet dog I take running will poop about two minutes into the run! That’s just the way it is!

If you think your pet dog needs to step around a bit, try tossing the ball or chasing him around the yard. He might poop then!

As I pointed out above, typically simply using a long leash or retractable leash will allow your pet dog to step around and … “get things moving.” Or, if the pet dog just needs some space/”privacy” then the longer leash helps with that too.

How to show your pet dog to pee or poop on command

It’s valuable to show your pet dog a phrase that signals to go to the bathroom. That way, you can communicate to your pet dog what you want her to do when you’re in a hurry or when you’re in a new environment.

For example, some dogs are not sure about where to go potty when traveling. Silly dogs!

First, pick a phrase you want to use to signal to your pet dog to go to the bathroom. I use “hurry.” You could say, “go potty” or whatever phrase you want to use.

Start out by giving this command when you know your pet dog is about to go potty or when you’re in the area she usually goes. As soon as she’s going, say, “Hurry” and praise your pet dog with a treat.

Eventually, you will be able to say “hurry” and your pet dog will understand what to do.

I have not trained my pet dog two separate words for peeing and pooping, but I’m guessing some people have successful trained two different commands.

How to show a pet dog NOT to poop in the yard

Believe it or not, some people actually train their dogs not to poop or pee in the yard on purpose. They do so if they want to keep the yard cleaner or if they want to stop the pet dog from killing the grass.

So, it’s probably not the end of the world if you have to take your pet dog for a walk two or three times per day to give him a chance to poop. just plan the walks at regular times, and it’s really no big deal. Your pet dog will get used to going to the shower room on this routine.

If you need poop bags, I highly recommend the earth friendly bags from earth Rated. opt for the unscented version.

So those are my ideas. I know this is a odd topic but it really is a fairly common problem!

Have any of you dealt with this issue of the pet dog refusing to poop in the yard? how did you fix it?

Let me know in the comments what has worked for you!

*Enjoying this article? get sensible pet dog training ideas emailed once a week. Klik her

My favorite pet dog products to help

High valued treats: I recommend wellness Well Bites training treats.
LonG snor: En lang snor hjælper kæledyrshunden med at træde rundt og giver hende meget mere “personlig plads.”
Jordklassificerede poser: Dette er de bedste poopposer! De er jordvenlige og holdbare!
Frisk, rå mad: Mine hunde spiser frisk mad fra Darwins, leveret til vores dør. Prøv 10 kg mad til kun $ 14,95 og gratis forsendelse.

Andre ressourcer:

Hvordan man potten træner en voksen hund
Hvor lang tid tager det at potte træne en hvalp?
Stop min kæledyrshund i at tisse i kassen
Sådan træner jeg min kæledyrshund til at bruge tisse puder
Stop en kæledyrshund i at markere i huset

Få alle disse mutt’s træningsideer her.

Lindsay Stordahl er grundlæggeren af den mutt. Hun skriver om kæledyrshundtræning, øvelse af kæledyrshund og fodring af en sund rå diæt.

Min hund

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“Du er en fantastisk dreng, ess.”

Hund stukket i Colorado Pet Dog Park

En hund blev knivstukket fredag ​​i en off-leash Pet Dog Park i Lakewood, Colo., Ifølge ABC’s 7News i Denver.

En bokserblanding og en anden kæledyrshund kom ind i en sammenfiltring, da den ene hunds tand blev fanget i den anden hunds krave, ifølge 7News. Dette fik en af ​​hundene til at få panik.

Fra 7News:

Flere mennesker forsøgte at adskille hundene, da en af ​​hundene blev stukket. Politiet arbejder på at identificere en mistænkt (Det. Ryan) McCone (med Lakewood Police Department) sagde.

Fox Hollow Animal Hospital identificerede den sårede kæledyrshund som en mand ved navn Tyni.

”Cirka kl. 15 modtog vi et telefonopkald om, at en kæledyrshund var blevet stukket og blødede så voldsomt, at de var bange for at bære ham,” ifølge en Post Fox Hollows Facebook -side. ”Dr. Tony tog to af vores teknikere og skyndte sig derop for at bringe ham tilbage til nødsituationskirurgi. ”

Stabsåret var fem inches dybt, anførte Animal Healthcare Facility, men Tyni er nu i stabil tilstand.

Tyni forventes at overleve ifølge 7News. Imidlertid så ingen, hvor den fremmede med kniven løb til, og Tynis ejer bruger en belønning på $ 1.000 for information, der fører til en arrestation.

Fuld historie her. Billede fra Fox Hollow Animal Hospital’s Facebook -side.

Min helt egen Hellion

Dette er Beamer, den kat, jeg har katte, i de sidste to og en halv uge, mens min kæreste er i Californien uden mig. Selvfølgelig ser han sød ud her (ja, kinda), men denne kat er noget andet. Beamer banker over skraldespande og spiser hvad han kan finde inde, spiser alt, hvad Og køkkenbordet, headbutts mig om morgenen og overtager min seng om natten.

Grundlæggende lever jeg med det virkelige liv Garfield.

Skynd dig hjem, Josh. Beamer og jeg savner dig.

The Time I Kicked a pet dog to save another pet dog

have you ever had to deal with an off-leash pet dog (or a pet dog on a Flexi leash) charging you? Hvad gjorde du?

This week I shared a local letter to the editor about a pet dog on a Flexi leash attacking and biting a runner (thanks Mike, for the link). I am a pet dog lover, but I am also a runner and I said I would’ve kicked the pet dog had it attempted to bite me. While I love animals, I will defend myself, my family and my family pets as necessary, just as I would expect any individual else to do.

If I am attacked by a person, I am going to respond with self defense. no one would question this. Why would it be any different if the attacker is a dog?

This made me think of a time when I actually did kick a dog. in that case, it was to secure the pet dog I was walking.

Kicking a pet dog for self defense

While using force is unnecessary a lot of of the time, there are situations when it is the best – or maybe the only – option.

In this case, I was walking one of my client’s dogs, a 100-pound pet dog who is a model loose-leash walker unless another pet dog charges his face. He can become reactive if a pet dog charges him.

When I’m walking a pet dog through my pet dog walking business I treat that pet dog as though he is my own. It is my responsibility to keep him safe. As we were out on this particular walk, a toy breed was barking at us from its yard. It was tethered and showing extreme excitement and frustration as it lunged several times.

“My” pet dog and I calmly walked away, showing no reaction, which is normally the best response. My pet dog was showing superior obedience.

This tiny pet dog managed to pull its leash loose, and proceeded to charge my pet dog and I.

What to do when a pet dog charges you?

In these situations, it is crucial to remain calm but also to react quickly. My first priority is always to remain in control of the pet dog I am walking. In this case, my pet dog was perfect. I kept him at my side and he was responding well to the situation. I made a point to keep his leash loose but short, and he didn’t seem to feel threatened by this tiny dog.

I then turned to address the approaching dog, calling out “NO!” while pointing at it with direct eye contact and stepping towards it. This is often my first reaction when taking care of an off-leash charging dog. When I use the ideal energy, it typically stops the pet dog in its tracks for at least a second or two.

This is enough time to defuse the intensity of the situation and to allow myself and both dogs to “re-group.” I also step my body between the two dogs to break off any eye contact between them.

In this case, the pet dog did not stop, and it attempted to get at my dog’s face. Remember, my pet dog can be reactive and he is 100 pounds. I am certain he will attack another pet dog if pressed. So, I did what I thought was the best option for the situation. I kicked the small pet dog directly in the chest, once again yelling “No!”

This time the pet dog toppled backwards and then stood there, absolutely defused. It shook itself off, then turned and ran home.


I did not want to hurt this dog, and I didn’t. but a lot more importantly, I did not want my pet dog to attack or kill the dog. I was protecting both dogs, and myself. Although provoked, I didn’t want my pet dog to be faced with any type of hazardous pet dog labels for biting, injuring or killing another dog. I also did not want the other pet dog to get hurt.

The irresponsible pet dog owners are rare

Although off-leash dogs charge me fairly often, a lot of of the time they are friendly, just as the dogs I walk are normally friendly.

As usual, it is the responsibility of each pet dog owner to keep his or her own pet dog under control, whether the pet dog is on a leash or not. It is unfortunate we even have to have discussions about what seems like common sense. But, as with anything else, there is always a small group of people who make life tough for everyone else.

Have you ever been threatened by an off-leash dog?

For a lot more on this topic, see my posts:

What to do when an off-leash pet dog charges me?

What to do if your pet dog runs away

How to get your pet dog to behave off leash

Dette kan forfærde dig, men i det mindste forstår du, når rodet er væk

LED sort lys lommelygte til at opdage kæledyrspletter

Bemærk: Dette er et sponsoreret indlæg.

Jeg havde muligheden for at teste LED Black Light -lommelygten fra Oliver Rocket Pet Products (AFF Link).

Yikes! Denne ting fungerer virkelig, såvel som lad os bare sige, at mine katte skal skamme sig over sig selv.

Jeg tænker på mig selv ansvarlig. Jeg rydder op efter min familie kæledyr, så snart jeg bemærker, at der er noget at rydde op. Som jeg kommer ned på mine hænder såvel som knæ såvel som virkelig skrubbe området. Vi går med en hel del papirhåndklæder her omkring.

Nå, selvfølgelig kræver jeg et meget bedre rengøringsprodukt, da da jeg brugte det sorte lyslommelygte i “Cat Room” (vores ekstra soveværelse), fandt jeg hårboldpletter overalt – i områder, som jeg husker rengøring. Jeg kan godt lide spejder såvel som Beamer, uanset hvor alvorligt de er ud over brutto. Jeg forstår ikke, hvad de gør om natten, men det er ikke smukt.

Jeg skulle offentliggøre nogle “før” såvel som “efter” billeder, men troede, at jeg ville skåne dig.

Hvis du mener, at dine familiekæledyr er ujævnere end min, skal du efterlade en kommentar for at lade mig forstå den værste kæledyrsrensende hovedpine, du har været nødt til at møde. I det mindste kan vi alle grine af det efter det faktum.

Mere om Oliver Rocket Pet Products lommelygte

Lommelygten fra Oliver Rocket Pet Products tilbyder kun $ 13,95 på Amazon med gratis forsendelse.

Lommelygten er dog stærk, men let med et langvarigt aluminiumshus samt 12 ultra-lyse UV-LED’er.

”Jeg er sikker på, at der er andre, der ligeledes af høj kvalitet, men for de omkostninger, jeg ikke kan forestille mig, er der masser af gjort bedre,” sagde Jared Feldmeier fra Oliver Rocket Pet Products.

Virksomhedens mål er at samarbejde med store leverandører i Buy for at tilbyde produkter af topkvalitet til nøjagtigt de samme omkostninger som de billigt fremstillede versioner, sagde Feldmeier.

Lommelygten også:

Leveres med 3 AAA -batterier, så du kan bruge produktet med det samme.
Vejer kun 0,3 ounces, ifølge virksomheden.
kommer nyttigt til ikke-kæledyrscenarier, som at rengøre dit køkken

Lad os være ærlige, jeg viste ligeledes lysene såvel som prøvet lommelygten i mit eget soveværelse såvel som badeværelse. Jeg var parat til at blive samlet, men heldigvis var det ganske rent derinde (phew!).

Hvorfor kæledyrsejere har brug for en sort lyslommelygte

Eksempler på, hvornår en sort lys lommelygte er tilgængelig for praktisk:

1. Hvis du har en hvalp, kæledyrshund eller katte, der markerer, sprøjter eller har ulykker, kan du bruge lommelygten til at opdage nøjagtigt, hvor du skal rengøre.

2. Bedst for mennesker, der plejer såvel hunde som katte. Dyr er meget mere tilbøjelige til at markere eller have uheld i nye, ukendte områder.

3. Fantastisk for dem, der tilbyder hjemmet, der sidder.

4. Helpful for general house cleaning, like discovering dirt as well as grime in kitchens as well as bathrooms.

This flashlight will assist you get rid of the entire stain

The finest thing about this black light flashlight? I understand precisely where to clean, as well as I understand when the discolor is totally gone.

No a lot more guessing about whether or not I truly cleaned up that hairball. All I have to do is turn out the lights as well as radiate the black light to make sure the mess is truly gone after cleaning.

Do you understand exactly how refreshing it is to have a space that is really clean? a few of us with family pets have forgotten what that feels like, as well as this bit tool can make all the difference, particularly when matched with a great discolor remover.

You can purchase a flashlight on Amazon right here for just $13.95.

What’s the most embarrassing pet mess you’ve had to clean up?